Manifesting Prowess

Law of Action

You recently watched “The Secret” and decided to manifest your dream job. You start to visualize yourself in that position daily.

A few days pass and nothing happens, not even a sign about that job. You slowly start to lose interest.

You feel frustrated, throw your hands in the air, and say, “Man, this isn’t working, this is not true.”

What you, like most people misunderstood and which the movie also talked very little about was the Law of Action.

Law of Action

The law of action says that taking action is necessary to get our wants and desires fulfilled. It won’t come by thoughts alone. You can’t just visualize your dream job for 10 days straight and get a hiring email on the 11th day.

You need to apply for the job, have enough qualifications, and prepare for the interview. All of this requires action, it’s common sense.

This is what most people have misunderstood in the movie. They confuse thinking with manifesting, but that’s neither, that’s daydreaming.

Now to fulfill your wants, action is required, but you have to acknowledge the type of action to take.

You see, there are two types of actions, one is forced and another is inspired. You can easily guess which one is important for your manifestations.

Forced vs Inspired Action

Forced Action

Forced action can be described as going for an interview without preparation. What will happen?

You will get rejected and also get criticized by the hiring professionals for your lack of knowledge. Nothing will come out of it as it is purely based on chance, “Maybe I can get that job“. It’s just maybe.

This is what forced action is; without a plan, without a vision, without much of a thought. It feels like an effort, a thing to get over with, and guarantees one hundred percent failure.

It is coupled with the emotions of scarcity like needing and wanting, and fear of uncertainty which act as pure resistance, decreasing your vibrations and blocking the free flow.

By applying forced action you will get nothing but disappointment and frustration.

To manifest your wants, you need to take inspired action.

Inspired Action

Inspired action brings you closer to your desires, and it often becomes the final step that fully materializes your wants into reality.

The whole setup of taking inspired action is created by the universe when you become aligned with your vision through internal shifting.

It is signaled by your gut feeling, your intuition, to take that specific action, to turn left instead of right, to talk to that company’s employee. It shows your connection with the universe.

It often comes effortlessly, with zero resistance, without any emotion of need or fear of uncertainty.

The process of reaching the stage to take inspired action requires performing consistent actions that align with your vision.

How to reach the point of Inspired Action

To reach the point where you can take inspired action you have to become internally aligned with your vision through your thoughts and beliefs. You have to be that person who has the job before getting the job.

This (internal alignment) can be achieved via meditations, visualizations, and affirmations.

But, you have to work towards your goals also. You have to get qualified for that job, prepare for the interview, and get regular updates about that company and that position.

As you consistently do internal shifting coupled with actions, it will send signals to the universe that you are serious about change, and once the universe gets the signal, the doors will start to open for you to take inspired action.

All you have to do then is to take action.


Most people’s inspired actions become forced actions due to their internal resistance.

Your resistance comes because of the fear of uncertainty, fear of how it will turn out. You think, “Will I get the job?”. That very question hinders every possibility of getting that job.

Some of you don’t even start because of it, as you can’t see the whole picture.

The thing is, nobody can see the full picture and you also don’t have to. All you have to do is just take the next step. The subsequent steps will follow automatically.

Doing that will open the gate for inspired action. You have to trust the universe.

Continuous actions remove internal resistance that decreases the vibrations and signals. It makes space for potential energy to flow.


The law of action gives the universe signals, you just have to be completely aligned with your goals and take consistent steps toward them. Your signals will tell the universe your sincerity and trigger the law of attraction.

This will make the gates open for you and all you have to do is take action.

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