If you are suffering from financial instability, have loans on your head, or drawing a poor salary, then according to the law of polarity, there is a potential for a flip side where you are doing well financially and are abundant.
If you face a small setback, there is an equal chance for growth.
There is a potential flip side in every situation.
This is the principle of the law of polarity which shows that no matter how bad the matter gets, there is always an opportunity for the opposite.
In this article, we will talk about and understand the polarity law.
What is the Law of Polarity
The law of Polarity states that everything is binary or dual and that there is an equal opposite for everything in the universe.
Since the North Pole exists, the South Pole also exists, the same goes for scarcity and abundance.
These opposites are considered as two extremes of a spectrum.
Both extremes are necessary to maintain balance in the universe.
This contrast makes us appreciate the good things we have. For example, when we see people suffering from a lack of resources, we feel grateful for the things we have, the food on our table, the house we live in, etc.
Understanding the Polarity
First of all, we need to understand that there is always a possibility of a reverse effect. We always have a choice between staying in the same conditions or changing it to our favor.
In any situation, we can either focus on the negative or the positive end of the spectrum.
But we often stay the same. Why?
It’s because of our thinking patterns. We often remain fixated on our problems, trying to find the solution by focusing on the issue, rather than thinking about a solution.
Our perception only finds the negative aspects of the outcome and according to the law of attraction, we get more of the same. Focusing only on the problems makes the needle glued to the poor end.
Another reason for staying on the same end is that complaining and blaming everything outside of ourselves seems convenient, it’s comforting, and we don’t have to work.
Our situation will remain the same if we think like that.
To travel through the spectrum and create a favorable reality, our perception needs to change.
Shifting Your Perception
We should always make a conscious choice to look for positivity by keeping in mind that every persisting problem has a valid solution. All we need to do is to broaden our perspectives and change our viewpoints.
We need to understand that negative situations always push us toward becoming a better version of ourselves. Only through suffering can we achieve success.
We can only travel through the spectrum by facing the challenges, we can not skip them. The contrast helps us to check our progress.
The more you practice shifting your viewpoint, the clearer and easier it will be for you to identify the flip side of any situation. It will transform into a habit up to the point where you will easily discover it without much thought.
Our knowing this fact makes it easier for us to battle tough times and we become much more capable of dealing with challenges.
Law of Polarity and Manifestation
Your manifestation will come to fruition when your thoughts, intentions, and beliefs are aligned and focused on the result. As per the polarity law, your fulfilled desire also has a polar opposite, which is nonattainment.
You have the power to bring both sides.
Let’s say you want to manifest 10,000$, which lies on the positive side of the spectrum, and on the other side is your broke self.
Now, you intend to manifest that money, but if your belief retaliates then your intention will amount to nothing. To manifest the positive side, you also have to be on the positive side wholeheartedly.
Your belief and intent need to align. One’s resistance will block the other, only if they work in harmony will you start shifting.
Your focus on the current situation will result in nothing, because instead of focusing on the end goal you are worrying about the present.
It is important to choose your thoughts and decide where to and where not to put your attention.
When your beliefs and intentions are in harmony, you will automatically have thoughts of your desire, and you will start to manifest your goals.
Begin to understand this universal law of polarity and start shifting your focus by breaking out of routine thinking. Acknowledge the present conditions and try to identify the flip side which favors your desired scenario.
As your perspective shifts, the same circumstances that once terrified you will look much easier and you will have a clear picture of what lies ahead.
Now it’s up to you, to either choose to see the positive or feel the negative as it comes.